mercredi 24 mars 2010

Collections num.

Affiches chinoises : De 1950 à 1970, le gouvernement chinois lança de nombreuses campagnes d’affichage pour diffuser les techniques de prévention de la malaria, à l’époque un terrible fléau dont le contrôle fit même appel à la lutte contre les esprits malins de la malaria ! Ces affiches, certes souvent pittoresques, sont maintenant des objets de collection.

Icones russes du British Museum

Affiches (1890-1920) de la New york Public Library, Collection Draper

Cartes britanniques d’état-major : The Ordnance Survey started life in Britain in the late eighteenth century, and its original purpose was military in nature. It traces its origins to1746 when King George II commissioned a military survey of the Scottish
highlands. Almost fifty years later, the Board of Ordnance (the defense ministry at the time) began a survey of England's southern coasts, which were vulnerable to attack from nations on the Continent. The real gems here are the two full-length books that visitors can read at their leisure. They are "A History of the Ordnance Survey" by W.A. Seymour and "Ordnance Survey: Map Makers to Britain since 1791".

Collection sur les Musulmans en Chine du Révérend Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Dans les années 20 et 30) en Chine centrale, Mongolie intérieure et Tibet septentrional.

Collection complète des illustrations de Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt (Edited by Charles Wilson and published in four volumes in 1881) à la New York Public Library

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